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Faded Sandpaper
Graphical image for The God Minute Tuesday Conferences educational video series.  Image includes The God Minute logo and a feather quill.
Faded Sandpaper
A black and white depiction of St. Vincent de Paul holding a crucifix.

In 1633...

St. Vincent de Paul started weekly gatherings of faith development and ongoing education for those out of school but who wanted to continue learning and grow in their Catholic faith.


St. Vincent believed the more you know, the more committed your life will become. These gatherings became known as the “Tuesday Conferences” and became hugely popular.

Faded Sandpaper


we carry on the tradition and will offer classes or “conferences” on periodic Tuesdays throughout the year led by experts in the field of Catholic theology and spirituality.


Topics will include Liturgy, Morality, Scripture, Ethics and more. Each video conference will be about 30 minutes and geared to our God Minute community. The mission is simple: to learn more about the Catholic faith in a relaxed and enjoyable way.

A picture of a woman watching the screen of a computer and speaking online with another woman.
White Structure
"Faith is a gift from God. It is a lifelong journey of discovery and growth"

- St. Mother Teresa

Faded Sandpaper

Meet your Instructors

Who better to lead our conferences than those who are currently teaching our future priests and leaders in the Church?

Available Conferences

What better time to kick things off than the season of ADVENT. Our first series of conferences will focus on the history and development of this Liturgical Season in the hope of better appreciating the spiritual meaning of Christmas.


Conferences will be about 30 minutes in length. No flashy graphics or riveting video-- just your professor and few learning props to help land the points being made. Like any conference, we are gathered to learn and grow in understanding in a relaxed and enjoyable way.


We make videos available on both YouTube and Vimeo platforms.

YouTube places ads in videos, Vimeo does not. Your choice.

A round headshot of Father Jim Swift, Vincentian priest and educator with The God Minute Tuesday Conferences.

Liturgical Time

It's about more than preparing for Christmas and remembering Jesus' birth at Bethlehem. But first, how did the season evolve throughout history? Why 40 days?

A round headshot of Dr. Helene Peharik educator with The God Minute Tuesday Conferences.


Past and Present

We will explore the church Triumphant, the Church Suffering, the Church Militant as we delve into the Mass readings this Advent season.

A round headshot of Dr. Helene Peharik educator with The God Minute Tuesday Conferences.


The Incarnation

Dr. Helene Paharik shares on the profound meaning of BETHLEHEM and the unique thing it says about Eucharist as we approach the crib of Incarnation!

A round headshot of Father Jim Swift, Vincentian priest and educator with The God Minute Tuesday Conferences.


Liturgical Time

Fr. Jim Swift shares about the three masses of Christmas and Epiphany in the East and West.

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The God Minute

13245 Tesson Ferry Road, Saint Louis, MO 63128   (314) 897-9111

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